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Looking back on 15 years with 15 questions: First logo?

Looking back on 15 years with 15 questions: First logo?

It's our birthday!! As part of the festivities, I am answering 15 questions to celebrate 15 years of making jewelry! 

Question 1: What was your earliest logo?

Let me begin by saying I designed it myself. Let me finish by saying I majored in graphic design for only one semester. It was - ahem - the 1990's; the minute we switched from hand-drawing graphic design to computer-only graphic design I changed my major to Studio Art. I did not want to be tied to a computer all day - lololololol.

I can’t find an actual image file because it was 15 years ago - when I still had a Dell, dude! Who even knows what program I used to design it! What design software was on PC computers 15 years ago?

You can see this early logo in all its glory on a banner from my very first craft show in Clarksville, TN in April 2006. 


It's a look.

Fun fact about my first show: the first day was 10 hours long and I sold one pair of earrings. All. Day. It was a rough start, but I was not deterred! I made those earring displays myself and adorned them with sushi grass. I felt so creative.

Listen, we all have to start somewhere.

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