Looking back on 15 years with 15 questions: Oddest craft show venues?

It's our birthday!! As part of the festivities, I am answering 15 questions to celebrate 15 years of making jewelry!
Question 3: Where are some of the weirdest places you have done a craft show?
Creative people will find a way to host a show in any venue. You don’t need a cool exhibit hall or a crusty old building with character! Why not? Sometimes those cool old buildings don’t have heat and you freeze your bum off doing an indoor show in December.
Three odd venues where I have set up my booth:
1. An elementary school - inside a kindergarten classroom. (it was a fundraiser for the school) It was actually really cute but definitely a non-traditional place for a craft show.
2. In the SAND near the beach in Gulf Shores Alabama. We were not on the beach, so what's up with the sand? It was a huge festival and I would have sold a lot more if I slapped sea glass on everything.

If you think it's tiring standing on grass all day, wait til you try to stand in the sand for 10 hours. We bought little door mats for people to step on - they look like sh*t as you can see in the photo above. We tore down early because we were about to be blown away by gale force winds. Not good for tents.
Now for my most memorable one:
3. Sometimes it’s not where, but who you’re set up next to that really stands out. During a big festival near Memphis Tennessee, I was set up next to a “spirit hair” booth. Spirit. Hair. It was a group of hair stylists who dyed real hair from their real clients into school colors. They sold it as clip-on hair for you to wear to show your school spirit.
I love the spirit of entrepreneurship but dyed scraps of human hair kind of grossed me out. Maybe it was hearing them describe it to hundreds of people that got to me. It was a 3 day festival and they did not come back for the 3rd day. I never saw spirit hair again.
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