Decode the mysteries of your dreaming mind with this whimsical deck of cards.
This beautifully illustrated deck of 51 cards provides insight into the symbolism and meaning behind common dream themes and types, including recurring dreams, nightmares and lucid dreams. Each card features a vivid image and accompanying description of a common dream symbol and its significance, helping you to interpret the messages your subconscious mind is sending you.
Tzivia Gover is the author of several books including Dreaming on the Page, The Mindful Way to a Good Night’s Sleep, and Joy in Every Moment. She offers Dreaming on the Page workshops internationally, domestically, and online, and offers keynotes and classes about dreams, mindfulness, and writing. Tzivia is an executive board member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and she has served as the educational director for the Institute for Dream Studies. She is a Certified Dreamwork Professional, a Certified Proprioceptive Writing instructor, and she has an MFA from Columbia University in creative nonfiction. She writes and dreams in western Massachusetts.
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