Come along with a mother whale and her calf as they follow the path of a gray whale migration. From Jo Weaver, award-winning author-illustrator of Little One.
Together, Little Whale and Gray Whale swim under midnight skies and through coral reefs teeming with life as they migrate to the cool, rich waters of the north to feed. Gray Whale gently guides her baby along the way, keeping Little Whale safe from passing ships and dangerous predators. And at long last, the echo of a whale song calls to them through icy water, and they know…they are home.
With gentle text and stunning charcoal illustrations, award-winning author-illustrator Jo Weaver reveals the wonder of nature, the excitement of discovery, the pull of home, and the strength of parental love. Ideal for story time or bedtime, the book is also a wonderful complement to elementary studies on animals and oceans.
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